Free Education

#Free education is not for everyone but for a dedicated minds
Student Protest by africacheck

The free education saga was all dramatic, its funny how everyone demands to have free education knowing very well that they do not deserve neither the paid education and the free education. Minister on free education

people wants free education but they are not even able to pass their modules or course that their parents are paying out of their sweat. Imagine some students parents sacrifice themselves just to afford their sons and daughters academic fees but they still take it for granted, how about somethings that is given for free? A 3 years diploma or degree will take some people 5 years if the free education is granted because we wont have nothing to lose.Debate org its like having children in the house who do not know how to pay the bills they misuse the utilities we get our parents screaming and shouting all over the house telling us to have a proper usage of water and electricity, we barely pay attention because it cost us nothing. I personally don't think free education should be given to everybody it should have  some criteria , many people might obviously have a different opinion comparing to mine, Yet i am very conscious among people demanding free education there are some of them who definitely deserves it, for instance  students that are succeeding in their course with good marks they should be given the free education. I share the same view of the statement by the minister that says that students that are succeeding and those with a family with a low income  will receive free education.Ready to fund free education

For more info click here...'Hlengiwe Mkhize clarify on free education'
                     Public Relations Opportunities behind writing about "Free Education"

  • Writing about free education on social media firstly give the opportunity to present personal thoughts and opinions.
  • You also get to have a feedback  or what others have in mind concerning the issue. what people do not understand that when we expect thing from the government especially when it comes to money it does not come over night.The cost of free education
  • The government will first check what they will get out it and if they come to realization that they have nothing in return it will forever be another story being achieved and
  • Through this blog i am trying to make people mostly those who are involved to not just think just because they protested it will be give to them automatically, these things takes time.this can also be a lesson on how to deal with the social media negative comments and attitudes

Public Relations challenges behind writing about "Free Education"
Captured by the conversation Magazine
  • The challenge writing on this topic is the fact that there is been some type of brainwashing that everyone is somehow synchronized to support the free education protest without even taking time to give a look at the background of the story and asking questions like 'why should free education be given? , to whom should it be given?, will all students value the privilege? 
  • It will be a challenge because people will most will support students that are protesting but if you tend to be neutral a lot of people who support this topic will tend to be aggressive toward you

Strategic recommendation for the use of Social media hashtags
  • One the recommendation that can be given is to first be neutral in everything that you saying even though its a personal opinion, because it has been said that everyone is a writer one social media you can say A someone else claim that you said B. 
  • One should be be very careful with everything that is being said because on social media contents gets to go fast from one person to another at a fast pace and it will be hard to try to convince people on what you really wanted to say because its thousand people against you.
  • Another strategy is to keep a composure where we are not involved in a violent discussion with people commenting on the blog.


  1. Free education is needed but I wonder if it will be successful on both sides unless Rand becomes strength compare to foreign currencies but let's wait and see.

    1. this is so unpredictable, lets just wait and see as you said

  2. As a foreign student what is your interest in the free education movement

    1. firstly as foreign students parents gets to spend a lot of money just to pay the tuition fee. if the South African government decides to grant foreign students the free education , i guess i am subjected to support the movement

  3. This is the one key we need to change our lives!

  4. Free education is a good idea to help people to get knowledge . Especially people with financial problem

    1. I do not disagree, but these things takes time to be implemented

    2. Until i read this post i had another idea of free education and thought it was fair to give it to anyone but after a good reflexion i can see that you are right . If it's for free they will not put much effort on the work they have to achieve. However i think not everyone think like that, in fact, for some people it will be a great opportunity to ta stand out

  5. The govrnment have to provide for students


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